Join Us/Practice Dates


Do you fancy having a go at Border Morris dancing?  Why not come along for a free, no obligation try out?   Prospective members are always welcome and we’ll teach you how to step and stick, and you’ll learn one of our dances.  Just contact our Squire first (squire[AT]wicketbrood [DOT] org [DOT] uk) so we can expect you.  

You don’t need any special skills or kit, just a reasonable degree of physical fitness and some comfortable footwear like trainers. 

You’ll be made really welcome, and you’ll be dancing out sooner than you might think!  We are a very inclusive, supportive and encouraging bunch, and there are always people who will help and guide you.

Before long you will feel part of something very special!

Wicket Brood is based in Bricket Wood in Hertfordshire near St. Albans and Watford, though we have members from as far afield as Yorkshire and Norfolk. That’s the affection Brood inspires in people!

We practice from late August/ early September through to April, on Tuesdays from 8:00pm until about 10:00pm. After practice we can often be found in a local pub, The Black Boy, up the road from the practice hall. 

Practice address: The St Stephen Parish Centre, Station Road, Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire AL2 3PJ
Google map: